ISEA2015 has ended
ISEA2015: The 21st International Symposium on Electronic Art
avatar for Abbey Hepner

Abbey Hepner

University of New Mexico
Graduate Student
Albuquerque, NM
Abbey Hepner's work investigates the human relationship with the landscape and technology. Using the mediums of photography, video, public art intervention, web interaction and electronic processes, she considers issues related to population growth, man-made disasters, as well as the complex and sometimes contradictory roles surrounding technological progress. Hepner holds bachelors degrees in Art and Psychology from the University of Utah. Her work on the topic of nuclear energy made her the recipient of a Puffin Foundation grant. She is an international exhibiting artist, recently finishing a body of work in Japan and participating in a residency and solo exhibition in Berlin, Germany. She is in her final year of her MFA program at the University of New Mexico.